RafNeft is an energy trading company that specialises in the downstream segment of the oil & gas industry.

RafNeft Energy Limited (REL) specialises in energy supply chain services, bulk distribution of crude oil and refined petroleum products. We are a downstream energy trading company with a focus on transportation, storage and distribution.

Our Services

Our goal is to develop an enviable state of the art fuel supply chain expertise and know – how in Africa and beyond. RafNeft Energy Limited represents many foreign companies with new technological solutions for the downstream oil and gas industry.

Our Products

RafNeft Energy offers a full range of petroleum products including, Bonny Light Crude Oil (BLCO), commodity chemicals, refined fuel and quality lubricants suitable for all vehicle types from cars, jets and motorcycles to industrial equipment such as trucks, boats and various agricultural machinery. We represent multiple international energy, oil and gas companies in Russia, Euroasia, North and Southern America, and Asia.

Service Divisions

At RafNeft Energy, our passion for the oil and gas business knows no boundaries.